Wednesday 3 December 2008

The Abs Formula

We all want to possess killer abs - male or female, young or old. What myths are out there about developing athletic abs and what do you really need to do in order to develop a lean and defined midsection?

Below I have listed the four key ingredients you will need in order to develop a killer midsection and I have listed them in order of importance. You might be surprised to see that ab training is listed last. The four key areas that need to be addressed are:

1. Nutrition

2. Resistance Training

3. Metabolic Training

4. Abdominal Training

Ingredient 1:

The Importance Of Nutrition In Developing Lean Six-Pack Abdominals They say that your abs are made in the kitchen. Well I like to think that the recipe for developing lean abs begins in the kitchen. However, there are other ingredients you will need in order to cook you up a set of lean abs, but let's focus on the importance of nutrition here.

You cannot get your abdominals to stand out and trim your waistline, unless you address the area of nutrition. The only way to get your abs to stand out is to remove the layer of fat that's keeping them from being exposed.

You can do all the abdominal training in the world, but it will do nothing to remove the fat that's covering your abs. You must look carefully at your nutrition, addressing your eating habits and meal planning. Even if you are performing the perfect training program, it won't matter if you are eating poorly. There is no training program that I know of that is powerful enough to overcome a poor diet.

Ingredient 2:

Resistance Training is of the utmost importance when Developing Lean Six-Pack Abdominals. Remember the primary objective is to get your bodyfat levels low enough to expose your abs. Resistance training will help you enormously in getting your bodyfat levels down to a point where your abs will be able to be seen while helping you to maximise the development of the muscle itself.

The BIG Lifts!

Focus on the BIG lifts and bodyweight exercises. The BIG lifts are exercises such as the barbell of dumbbell bench press, squats, lunges, dead lifts and Olympic lifts. These exercises will do more for your abs than any isolation abdominal exercise or abdominal gadget could ever do.

Unilateral Training!

Unilateral training (single leg or single arm exercises) of ANY description requires the abdominals to perform anti rotation movement and stabilization of the entire body. These actions are the primary function of the abdominals. The idea that abdominals are for trunk flexion is a massive misconception!

Bodyweight Training!

People have developed the notion that bodyweight training is easy and they MUST do weights in order to tax themselves. I beg to differ. Just because you can do 10 half arsed push-ups does NOT mean you can master your Bodyweight!

Bodyweight exercises such as push ups, chin ups, parallel bar dips, inverted body rows, bodyweight squats, single leg squats, jumps, burpees and plank exercise variations all have progressions and they can all create a VERY effective workout that EVERYONE can benefit from. Supporting your body in all these positions not only taxes the abdominals, but it's functional as well! You should always have the goal of been able to perform these exercises and it's never too late to learn how to master your own bodyweight. Not only that but once you master these bodyweight exercises you can always start adding additional load in order to further challenge yourself and keep progressing.

Ingredient 3:

The importance of metabolic training in developing lean six-pack abdominals. We just told you that you have to remove the layer of excess fat from your midsection in order to get your abs to show. So how do you do that??? Well you primarily want to be using fat loss training principles and protocols. thats where the problem originates. They DON'T KNOW how to properly train for fat loss.

Way to many people train like endurance athletes when it comes to fat loss. I'm sorry, but when did endurance training become the way to train for fat loss??? Just because endurance athletes are skinny or slightly built does not mean that it is the way to train to get lean and burn bodyfat. Sprinters are much better built and leaner than endurance athletes, and sprinters DO NOT perform endurance training. They train metabolically and to increase work capacity, not endurance. Remember you are training for fat loss, not to increase your endurance or become an endurance athlete.

You need to HIT the fat loss accelerator and you do that by performing HIT (High Intensity Training). This means you should be doing full body resistance training routines, various bodyweight or weight training based circuit training protocols, and interval training protocols.

All these training methods have a metabolic component to them. not only do they work the muscle but they also cause EPOC. EPOC or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption is your friend. I like to refer to this as ABE (After Burn Effect). ABE is your fat loss friend. Performing metabolic type work will not only allow you to burn a load of calories whilst you train, but due to the elevation in your metabolism post exercise, you will continue to burn more calories post exercise. This is why we say you need to think outside the workout. You must not only be concerned with what impact the training you do has on your body and metabolism during training, but also what impact your training has on your body and metabolism after you complete your session (POST EXERCISE).

Sprint Training!

Sprinting has shown exciting results for both abdominal development AND spot reduction. This is simply an observation that I have made, but I DON'T think it's in any way a coincidence that SPRINTERS have highly developed and LEAN abs. I very much doubt it's from the crunches they do before they go to bed every night. . Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it just MIGHT be the sprinting!

So remember to train METABOLICALLY for fat loss, not aerobically. Train like the sprinter, not the endurance athlete.

Ingredient 4:

The Importance Of Abdominal Training In Developing Lean Six-Pack Abdominals. How important do you think ab work actually is in developing a lean set of abs??? Most people tend to give the right answer, but the amount of ab work they tend to do doesn't line up with what they say. The fact is that you don't need to do endless amounts of ab work. The priority is getting your bodyfat levels down.

However, everyone seems to love doing ab work. Problem is that most people perform the most ineffective ab exercises possible. Multiple repititions of crunches, oblique work and leg raises. You may need to adjust the way you think about training your abs. Don't forget that the big lifts and the big movements, such as sprinting, will do more for your abs than any isolated or direct ab exercise.

Here's are the main problems I see with people and their abdominal training routines:

Too much direct or isolated ab work

Too much ab work, performed too often

Too much emphasis placed on trunk flexion (crunches)

Too many exercises performed in a lying supine position (crunches, oblique crunches, etc)

Too many total repetitions and not enough load/stress placed on the abs

Instead you should focus on performing the following

Perform 'ab work' no more than 2 times per week. Perform stability based, anti-rotational and anti hyperextension exercises

Perform exercises that require transfer of energy through the midsection; back muscles and the abs through full body movements. Perform exercises in various positions. Supine, prone, side positions and grounded.

Abdominal Training Tools and Gadgets! There are numerous abdominal training tools and gadgets on the market today. Tools are useful. Gimmicky ab rollers and other gadgets are a waste of money. These gadgets do sell but they do not work and they are most certainly not needed.

Copyright (c) 2008 Athleticbodysystem

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fatkids: childhood obesity statistics

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Fitness for Seniors Has a Whole New Meaning Today

In generations past, exercise was believed to be mostly for the younger set. It was even believed that seniors couldn't increase muscle mass or strength if they wanted to. Studies at Harvard and elsewhere have now firmly put that myth to rest.

Exercise for us 50+ folks is decidedly healthy. As people age, several changes occur that exercise can help slow or reverse. Metabolism slows, leading to increased fat accumulation. Artery passageways often narrow, leading to higher blood pressure and lowered flow. Bones become thinner and more porous, a condition known as osteoporosis. Muscles and skin lose tone.

Those effects can be retarded or even turned back to a degree with regular, age-appropriate exercise. The American College of Sports Medicine suggests 15-60 minutes of aerobic (oxygen-enhancing) exercise a few days per week.

One goal among others is to raise the heart rate to 60-90% of the safe maximum (220 beats per minute, minus your present age). A good cardiovascular workout - a 30-minute brisk walk or three 10-minute walks per day, mild jumping jacks, gentle jogging in place, swimming, a dance routine or any other method - helps keep the heart and blood vessels healthy.

Strength-building exercises help keep the muscles toned and keep weight and blood sugar levels at appropriate levels. Balance exercises can help build good leg muscles, leading to better support for joints and less likelihood of a fall. (The National Institutes of Health report 300,000 hospital admissions per year for broken hips, many of them from seniors falling.)

Gentle static and dynamic stretching exercises help keep muscles flexible and joints lubricated. That helps out with balance, but it also maximizes range of movement. That means better coordination and less pain during both exercise and everyday activities.

Endurance exercises help keep the heart and lungs healthy as well as keeping muscles toned, joints moving freely and other body systems functioning well. A slightly higher metabolic rate stimulates a variety of organs to produce needed biochemicals. The human body functions better, longer when it is subject to mild activity than when sedentary for long periods.

All these activities help raise the onset age of osteoporosis and to minimize its effects after it begins. Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is less likely for the physically active. Certain forms of heart disease are less likely for those who exercise moderately later in life.

There is ample evidence that moderate, regular exercise helps the psychology as well. It can decrease the severity of depression and heighten mood. The social aspects can help with the isolation that seniors sometimes feel, especially as friends and loved ones are no longer part of their lives.

Seniors should consult a physician or trainer (preferably both) before starting any new exercise program. Begin slowly, especially if exercise has not been part of your lifestyle. Build up flexibility, strength and endurance gradually.

If you have a medical condition, be sure to discuss your plans with a physician and fitness expert to develop an exercise routine appropriate to you.

Copyright (c) 2008 Kerry Johnson

When your body naturally produces healthy energy, you'll feel the difference. You have the energy and stamina to accomplish the things you need to do during your day. You have mental focus and are able to think through complicated ideas. You'll feel like expressing affection toward family and friends. Learn to create energy that lasts!

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